Jive Challenge

JiveHere’s a challenge …. where can you go on a Thursday night in Mottram St. Andrew for a fantastic fun and instructive night out for the ridiculously low cost of £6-8???


Each Thursday we open the doors at 7.15 and our dancers rush in, looking forward to another great evening on the fabulous large dance floor at MOTTRAM ST. ANDREW VILLAGE HALL.

OK the new dancers don’t quite rush, they are often a little apprehensive. but we make sure they are taken over and introduced to others so they are not left on their own. Everyone remembers their first time as a new dancer and I can safely say we have some of the friendliest members who will make newbies very welcome.

We have a selection of rotating DJs all carefully chosen to play the best music to dance to. Then there’s our Instructors and Demonstrators who share their extensive knowledge from the stage during the beginners lesson. No partner needed as we all rotate round, introducing ourselves to any new faces. Later on our new dancers, of say less than 8 weeks (could be more or less) are given a one to one lesson with our super volunteer Taxi dancers, so they’ll end the evening knowing three jive moves, which can be checked out on Sunday night via the videos on our website, just in case they’ve forgotten them! Whilst they are having their one to one the more experienced dancers will be having advanced instruction in the main hall, and after the half hour lessons there is plenty of time to practice what’s been learnt.

MJC has special nights too. The last one was Valentines when we had chocolate hearts as our dancers came in followed later by prosecco and cupcakes. Cheers. The next one is our Easter night, so think lots of Easter eggs for our members raffle. We don’t need much of an excuse to have special nights as MJC is run by a Committee of 5 volunteers so we can give back to our members and this makes us unique in the jive world. We’ve been at MOTTRAM VILLAGE HALL for 21 years this year, so there’s another date we’ll be celebrating.

Dancers come from far and wide, last week we actually had a couple from Dorset who came by recommendation. Their verdict…’what a fantastic club, we’ll be back’. Considering we regularly have 80 plus through the door (last week we topped 90) it’s an incredibly friendly Club which the Committee work to promote. And we don’t take for granted that without the VILLAGE HALL and the dedicated team that run it MOTTRAM JIVE wouldn’t exist.

If you’d like to come and give us a try we’ll be really pleased to see you and aim to send you home at the end of the evening with a smile on your face. There’s plenty of designated parking and you’ll get a warm welcome from Debby on the bar too.

Check us out at these links:

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