The Community Pride Award, to recognise contributions to the Community, was launched by the Parish Council in 2023.
The nominations are made by completing a simple form (see below to copy or from the Clerk to the Parish Council). The individual nominated will have contributed to the improvement of life in the Village and given freely of their time for the benefit of residents. Nominations will be received from non-residents and there is no requirement for the recipient of the award to reside in the Village, it is the voluntary contribution to the Mottram St Andrew Community which is important. The work done or action taken does not need to have occurred during the current year, any time before is worthy of consideration.
The forms are received by the Clerk to the Parish Council before 20 April and are referred to an independent Committee for confidential adjudication. The successful nominee will receive a framed certificate and his or her name will be placed on an honours board in the Village Hall, recognising their contribution in perpetuity.
Please get involved and let the Community have your nomination for the award.